Westwood for sale, 1918

type: Estate notices

The Scotsman
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The Lands extend to about 450 acres, about one-half of which is included in the Farm of City . The remainder is let for grazing and a portion for cropping. The Land is all within easy distance of West Calder, with excellent market facilities. The Mansion-House contains 4 Public and 14 Bed Rooms , with Ample Servants' Accommodation. There is a Gravitation Water Supply, Large Garden with Glass Houses, and Good Gardener's House; also a Conservatory at the House , Extensive Offices , and a Good Lodge. It is about 3 miles from West Calder Station by road , and about 1 1/2 miles by footpath, 5 miles from Bathgate, 12 from Linlithgow, and 17 from Edinburgh, with good roads . There is a row of 25 Cottages on the West End of the Estate: also two Large Cottages. The House and Offices at City Farm are comparatively new, and are suitable for the Farm. There it some Timber on the Estate ready for cutting. The Minerals are let on Lease , and are reserved from the Sale. The Rent, exclusive of Minerals, is about £480 , including £50 for the Mansion-House, and the Public Bnrdens are about £70 . The Rents could be increased as a considerable extent is let at a low rate for grazing . Further particulars and Orders to View can be obtained from Messrs CARMENT, WEDDERBURN & WATSON , W.S., 2 Glenfinlas Street , Edinburgh , who have the Titles and with whom Offers should be lodged.

The Scotsman 12th January 1918