John Bagshaw
Oil works manager
Newspaper References
TO LET, THAT PART OF THR FARM AND LANDS OF LOANINGHILL, lying to the North of the Edinburgh and Bathgate Railway. The Lands extend to nearly 99 Acres, and are situated about a mile from the Village of Uphall.
Entry at Martinmas, 1900.
The Boundaries will be pointed out on application to Mr John Bagshaw, Manager, Uphall Works; and further particulars may be obtained from, and Offers will be received by, Mr John Fyfe, Managing Director, Young's Paraffin Lights and Mineral Oil Company, Limited, 7 West George Street, Glasgow, up to 27th October, 1900.
Linlithgowshire Gazette, 19 October 1900
The annual social meeting and dance in connection with the above club was held on Friday evening in the Works' Institute - Mr John Bagshaw in the chair. There was a large attendance. After all had been served with tea, an enjoyable programme was gone through. During the evening the prizes won in the various competitions were presented to the successful competitors. A presentation was also made to Mr Thomas Turnbull, sen., on the occasion of his leaving the district. The presentation took the form of a barometer to himself, and an umbrella to Mrs Turnbull. Dancing was afterwards engaged in.
Linlithgowshire Gazette, 15 November 1901
The first annual dinner of the officials and foremen of Young's Oil Company, Ltd., Uphall, took place in the Works Institute, Uphall Station, on Friday night. John Bagshaw, manager of Uphall Works, presided over a large company, and was supported by Dr Stewart and Mr David Rankine, mining manager, as croupiers. After partaking of an excellent dinner, purveyed by Uphall Co-Operative Society, the Chairman submitted the usual loyal toasts, which were duly pledged. Other toasts included "Our Forces in South Afirca"...
Linlithgowshire Gazette, 11 April 1902