Scottish shale Scottish shale

North Staffordshire Oil Co. Ltd.

Company number:

A company formed by a number of local coal masters and oil producers with the objective of refining crude oils produced in Staffordshire.


  • Henry Meir (Chairman)
  • William Adams
  • others

  • Newspaper references
    • The North Staffordshire Oil Company Limited.

      At a Meeting, held at the offices of Messrs. Meir and Son, Greengates Manufactory, Tunstall, in the county of Stafford, on Friday, the 5th day of July, 1872, pursuant to notice given for that purpose, it was proposed by Mr. George Wardle Turner, and seconded by Mr. Arthur Clive Meir, and resolved :— "That, whereas, it has been proved to the satisfaction of this Meeting, that this Company cannot, by reason of its liabilities, continue to carry on its business, and it is advisable to wind-up the same. "That this Company be wound-up, and wound-up voluntarily" That Mr. William Adams be, and is hereby, appointed Liquidator of this Company, without remuneration." Henry Meir, Chairman.

      The London Gazette, 6th August 1872