William Cuthbertson (1863-1944)
Twenty-two years ago, Mr W. Cuthbertson succeeded Mr Norman Henderson as manager of the Broxburn Oil Company's works. Mr Cuthbertson has now resigned his post, and will retire into private life. He and Mrs Cuthbertson will have their home at Davidson's Mains.
On Tuesday afternoon, at Middleton Hall, there was a representative gathering of managers, officials and representatives of the workers of the Broxburn Oil Coy., Ltd., when Mr and Mrs Cuthbertson were recipients of tokens of good-will and esteem.
Mr A.C. Thomson, chief structural engineer, presided, and at the head of the table were Mr Cuthbertson, the guest of the afternoon; Mr James Bryson, general manager; Mr Robert Crichton, general mining manager, Philpstoun; Mr William Clark, mining agent, Uphall; Mr William Montgomerie, commercial manager, Glasgow; Mr John Reid, chief accountant, Glasgow; Mr R.W. Meikle, secretary, Glasgow; and Mr William Cowan, sales manager, Glasgow.
The chairman said that Mr Cuthbertson had wisely, as he (the chairman) thought, decided to retire, after a long service to the Broxburn Oil Company, not too late to enjoy a restful period. He had every prospect of many years of life in front of him.
To Mr Cuthbertson they presented a bureau. The inscription on the bureau read - "Presented to Wm. Cuthbertson, Esq., J.P., along with tea service and tea wagon for Mrs Cuthbertson, by the officials and workmen of Broxburn Oil Company Ltd., as a token of esteem on the occasion of his retirement after 22 years' service. - 21st March 1927".
West Lothian Courier, 15th April 1927
Mr William Cuthbertson, who died suddenly at his home at Rowallan, Barnton Avenue, Davidson's Mains, had a long association with the management of the Broxburn Oil Company, Ltd. He went from Kilmarnock to Broxburn as assistant to the late Mr N.M. Henderson in 1904, and in 1911 he was appointed works manager. He continued in that position until he retired in 1927. Mr Cuthbertson was a member of the West Lothian County Council and chairman of Bathgate District Committee, and was also president of Broxburn Unionist Association for many years. He took a keen interest in the welfare of the people and was much respected in the district. Mr Cuthbertson was in his 81st year. He leaves a widow, one son, and two daughters.
The Scotsman, 7th September 1944