John Walker

First name:
Second name:
Home address(es):

40 Johnston Terrace, Stoneyburn
8 Cuthill Crescent, Stoneyburn
51 Front Street, Mossend

Job title(s):

Clipper and Drawer

Occupation type(s):
Related places:

Westwood pit accident books record the following references:

  • 11-06-1953, accident to John Walker, Clipper, of 40 Johnston Terrace, Stoneyburn.
  • 20-05-1954, accident to John Walker, Clipper, no home address given.
  • 31-03-1958, accident to John Walker, Drawer, of 8 Cuthill Crescent, Stoneyburn.
  • 06-05-1960, accident to John Walker, Drawer, of 51 Front Street, Mossend.