George Lusty

First name:
Middle name:
Second name:
Date of death:
Home address(es):

5 Watt Street, Addiewell
13 Seafield, Bathgate
Rockvale Cottage, Blackburn

Occupation type(s):

Suffered an accident on 20th April 1928, while employed as a haulageman at Seafield Oil Works

Westwood pit accident books record the following references:

  • 15-01-1952, accident to George Lusty, Haulageman and Clipper, of 5 Watt Street, Addiewell.
  • 26-09-1952, accident to George Lusty, Drawer, of 13 Seafield, Bathgate.
  • 20-01-1953, accident to George Lusty, Drawer, of 13 Seafield, Bathgate.
  • 30-10-1959, accident to George Lusty, Drawer, no home address given.
  • 05-04-1960, accident to George Lusty, Drawer, of 13 Seafield, Bathgate.
  • 06-04-1961, accident to George Lusty, Drawer, no home address given.

Newspaper References


LUSTY - At Rockvale Cottage, Blackburn, on 10th April 1945, George H. Lusty, aged 79 years, beloved husband of Fanny Smith.

Fondly remembered.

West Lothian Courier, 13 April 1945


LUSTY - In loving memory of my dear husband, George Henry Lusty, who died at Rockvale, Blackburn, on 10th April, 1945.

I lost my dearest companion,

A life linked with my own;

God alone knows how I miss him

As I wander through life alone.

He suffered much but murmured not,

His heart was true and tender,

He toiled so hard for those he loved

And left me to remember.

West Lothian Courier, 11 April 1947


LUSTY - At No. 3 Holding, Blackburn (the residence of her daughter), on 9th June, 1951, Fanny Smith, aged 84 years, wife of the late George H. Lusty.

West Lothian Courier, 15 June 1951


LUSTY - Sacred to the memory of our dear parents, Fanny Smith, died 9th June, 1951, and George H. Lusty, died 10th April, 1945.

At the crystal river's brink,

Some sweet day, by and by,

We shall find each broken link,

Some sweet day, by and by,

Then the star that, fading here,

Left our hearts and home so drear,

We shall see more bright and clear,

Some sweet day by and by.

- Norah, Daisy and family, Blackburnhall.

West Lothian Courier, 6th June 1952