Scottish shale Scottish shale

Belsyde level crossing

Linlithgow, Linlithgowshire
Local authority:
West Lothian
Bowden Lime Company

Newspaper References

BELSYDE QUARRY CROSSING. There was read to the meeting a letter from the Bowden Lime Company (Limited), asking permission to form a level crossing over the Clench Road, in order to connect their whinstone quarry at Belsyde with their present hutch road on the farm of Woodcockdale, leading from the lime kilns to the Woodcockdale jetty. After deliberation, the meeting appointed a committee, consisting of Messrs Fullarton, Chalmers, and Mitchell, with full powers either to grant or refuse the application as they might see fit, after inspecting the line of the proposed hutch road.

Linlithgowshire Gazette - 12th August 1893


It was also reported that the sub committee appointed to dispose of the Bowden Lime Company's application for another crossing were of opinion that the quarry traffic should be conducted under the highway instead of by a level crossing. A letter was read from the company asking permission to use the present crossing during the trial period in the lease which extends to Whitsunday next. Meantime they undertook to hold themselves liable for any accident that might occur at the level crossing. Rev. Robertson-Fullarton said he was the member who was appointed to report upon the state of the crossing. There was no doubt about it was an extremely dangerous crossing. He thought they were right in requesting that a culvert should be made. The committee were unfortunate in not meeting the representative of the company to inform them of the lease which had been entered into. It seemed, however, from what he had just heard that it was only a trial lease, and that being so he would not like exactly to suggest that the Board should ask them to be the expense of making this culvert in case the lease was not completed. Perhaps they might allow the crossing to remain as it was until Whitsunday seeing they had undertaken all responsibility. Mr Fullarton, however, said he would like to bear the road surveyor's opinion upon the subject. Mr Laidlaw said no doubt crossing of the tramway pattern would be best. Rev. Mr Fullerton—it would decidedly improvement on the present state of matters it is, anyone proceeding along the road on bicycle or tricycle is apt to have the teeth shaken oat of his head. (Laughter.) The committee agreed to comply with the company's request, and the surveyor was instructed to call upon them to put paved path to their crossing.

Linlithgowshire Gazette - 23rd September 1893