Two miles west from Mid Calder in the County of Edinburgh
To Let-Entry Immediately.
This Quarry possesses a great many advantages. There is abundance of lime-stone, of a very fine quality, easily and cheaply wrought, from its being very near the surface of the ground. There are two excellent draw-kilns lately built. The turnpike road from Mid to West Calder passes within a few yards of the works, and insures an easy and certain access. There is good lime coal to be got at a moderate expense, at the distance of only three miles; and from the demand last season, there is a certainty of a very extensive sale.
Proposals for a lease will be received by Mr Martin, No. 5, George Street; and the premisses will be shown by Peter Bishop, at Alderston House. Any quantity of ground which may be required will be let along with the Quarry.
Caledonian Mercury 9 February 1801
To Be LET on Lease, as may be agreed on, the SHALE and other MINERALS in the LANDS OF ALDERSTONE, Parish Mid Calder in the County of immediately adjoining the Newpark Station of the Caledonian Railway.
DAVID HARRISON, Gardener at Alderstone House, will point out the boundaries.
Offers or other communications to be made to W.B. Marr, Esq., 5 Brandon Street Edinburgh.
North British Agriculturist 3 May 1871
To be SOLD by Public Roup, at Dowell's, 18 George Street, Edinburgh, on Wednesday, 19th February 1873, at Two o'clock afternoon (if not previously disposed of by Private Bargain).
THE ESTATE of ALDERSTONE, in the Parish of Midcalder about 14 miles to the West of the City of Edinburgh, in Two lots, Viz : —
Lot l. —The LANDS of ALDERSTONE, Consisting of the Mansion House Policies, Grass Parks, Plantations, &c.. with. the Farms of Crofthead and Hazelcleugh, Rosebank, and Adambrae, and the Superiorities of the Feus on the North side of the highroad leading through the Village of Bellsquarry.
LOT 2.—The FARM and LANDS of BRUCEFIELD, as presently let to Edward Hunter together with the Superiorities of the Feus on the South Side of the high road leading through Bellsquarry.
The Estate is immediately contiguous to the highly productive Shalefields, which supply the well-known mineral oil works of this district, so long and successfully worked by Messrs Young & Co., and others. The mineral oil trade of Scotland took its rise in this district, and still flourishes with unabated vigour. Alderstone stands in the very centre of the district, and although its mineral products have not yet been worked to any considerable extent, enough has been done to prove the existence of shale of the best quality in the estate. Glasgow can be reached within an hour , and Edinburgh within half an hour.
The Gardener will show the Boundaries, and further particulars may Be obtained from
Mr. JOHN M. BELL, W.S. 2 Park Place, Edinburgh, with whom are the Title-Deeds and Articles of Roup.
The Scotsman, 11 January 1873