Scottish shale Scottish shale

Burnbrae Linhouse (lands)

Kirknewton, Midlothian
Local authority:
West Lothian

No economic seams of oil shale occurred on this estate. The 1870's ownership boundary plan indicates; land owned by Miss Primrose's Trust - Minerals not let.

  • Location map
  • Newspaper references
    • To be SOLD together, or in parcels, as purchasers shall incline, The Lands and Barony of LINHOUSE, with the farms of CAMELLY and CORSWOODBURN adjoining, lying ten miles west of Edinburgh in the county thereof, and parishes of Mid and West Calder. 'The whole estate is pleasantly situated between two small rivers, and consists of about 3000 Scots acres. The yearly rent is 370 1. sterl. after all declensions. There is at Linhouse, a large convenient mansion-house, and out-houses of all kinds, largely built upon a farm of 120 acres, properly inclosed and divided with several thriving plantations. — Two extensive farms next to the inclosures our of Lease. For further particulars, enquire at Thomas Tod, Writer to the Signet. Edinburgh, who will show the rental and title deeds, or at the proprietor at Linhouse, who will show the ground with plans of each farm, and a general plan of the whole estate.

      Caledonian Mercury 3rd October 1764