Scottish shale Scottish shale

Monkland Iron Co. Ltd.

Company number:
1052 Date
Share capital:
Date of Incorporation: 1881
Dissolved: 1891
Registered office:

144 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow

A limited company established to operate iron works and coal mines, taking forward the interests of the Monkland Iron Co. Ltd. The company seem to have experimented with oil production by converting a former coke oven, but with limited success.

Pits in West Lothian worked by the company

  • Newspaper references

      The First Division of the Court Session today, their lordships had before them the petition the Monkland Iron Company, 144 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, for an order to have the winding up of the company, which was resolved upon by the shareholders at special meeting 10th November, carried out under the supervision the court. The company's capital, which is fully paid up, amounted £200,000 in shares, (its losses in five years and one month amounted to £77,412, 17s l0d. At the meeting at which the resolutions to wind up were adopted.

      Mr Thomas Dunn, Rutherglen, for himself and other shareholders, protested; but Laurence Hill Watson, C.A., Glasgow, was appointed liquidator. Their lordships granted supervision order, and appointed Mr John Graham, OA., West' George Street, Glasgow, an additional liquidator.

      Edinburgh Evening News, 16th December 1886