Scottish shale Scottish shale

Padeswood Oil Co. Ltd.

Company number:
Share capital:
10th January 1865
Placed under the supervision of the court 21st December 1866, wound up December 1872
Registered office:


Oil works:

A company established with the objects of:

"The purchase of coal, cannel, shale or other substances containing oil; the extracting and refining of oils and other products from coal, cannel, shale and other substances; the sale of coal, cannel, shale and other mineral substances, and the products and extracts therefrom, and of the residue thereof; the purchase, acquisition, rental and lease of all necessary land, tenements, works and plant, rights and privileges; for effecting all and every the objects aforesaid; and the doing of all such other things as are or may be considered incidental, of conducive to the attainment of the above objects, or any of them."

The majority of shares in the company were held by John Gano Winter and two other Americans. The company met with little success and Winter returned to New York City, where he died in December 1865. A newpaper report records that the company's "substantially built works" was transferred at great sacrifice to another company. The location of these works is unclear; the Padeswood Oil Works appear a much smaller operation than might be expected, and it remains possible that the works formed part of the large range of retorts and plant at Coppa.


  • John G. Winter, Gentleman, Shrubland Villa, Hoole Rd, Chester, (100 shares)
  • Henry Darling, Merchant, Hudson's Place, Mold, (50 shares)
  • Joseph S. Winter, Gentleman, Shrubland Villa (60 shares)
  • Charles Henry Earp, Merchant, New St. Mold (80 shares)
  • George Haseltine, Engineer, 12 Southampton Buildings, London (60 shares)
  • John Henry Butt, Gentleman, Shrubland Villa, Noole Rd, Chester (40 shares)
  • Samuel B. Tucker, Merchant, 29 Threadneedle St. London, (10 shares)

Shareholders (on 6th March 1866)

  • John Gano Winter, New York, America, Gentleman (150 shares)
  • Joseph S. Winter, New York, America, Gentleman (90 shares)
  • John H. Butt, New York, America, Gentleman (60 shares)
  • George Haseltine, 8 Southampton Buildings, London, Civil Engineer (40 shares)
  • Charles Henry Earp, Mold, North Wales, Merchant (95 shares)
  • Henry Darling, Mold, North Wales, Manager (20 shares)
  • C.B. Trevor Roper, Plas Tey, Mold, Esquire (10 shares)
  • W.B. Roper, Hooton, Chester, Merchant (10 shares)
  • J.B. Sladon, Donnington, Newport, Salop, Esquire (10 shares)
  • R. MacDonald, 4, York Buildings, Liverpool, Merchant, (10 shares)
  • D. McDonald, Greenock, N.B, Merchant (60 shares)
  • John Edwards, 85 Grove St., Liverpool, Merchant, (10 shares)
  • E.E. Edwards, Adelaide Buildings, Liverpool, Merchant (10 shares)
  • W. Walker, High St. Mold, Bank ? (10 shares)
  • G.G. Trevor Roper, Mold, Solicitor, (5 shares)
  • Alfred Gardner, Victoria Chambers, London S.W. Surveyor? (5 shares)
  • Henry Penkenson?, 8 India Buildings, Merchant (5 shares)
  • E.S. Jones, London Buildings, Liverpool, Merchant, (10 shares)
  • Frank S. Mattews, Plas Bellisa, Mold, Esquire (60 shares)
  • William Semple, Mold, North Wales, (20 shares)
  • A.W. Chambers, 8 Keswick St. Liverpook, Accountant (10 shares)
  • B.G. Acocks, Curzon Park, Liverpool, Merchant (5 shares)
  • J.H. Young, Lee, London, Engineer, (10 shares)

Arthur Robottom in his memoirs, "Travels in Search of New Trade Products" states "I then started the Padeswood Oil Company...." however no mention is made of him in the shareholders list incorporated into the Articles of Association of the company.

  • Newspaper references
    • ....and that the Padeswood Oil Company has paid a first dividend at the rate of ten per cent, for the half year. The "Padeswood" is not the proper name of the company, but we use it so that no one may confound the company with that at Saltney. The success of both will be for the great advantage of Chester and North Wales.

      The Cheshire Observer, 9th September 1865


      In the Matter of the Padeswood Oil Company (Limited), and in the Matter of the Companies Act, 1862

      NOTICE is hereby given, that a petition for the winding up of the above-named Company by the Court of Chancery, was, on the 5th day of December, 1866, presented to the Lord Chancellor by Roderick McDonald, of Liverpool,in the county of Lancaster, Merchant, a share holder and contributory of the said Company; and that the petition is directed to be heard before the Vice-Chancellor Sir John Stuart, on the 21st day of December, 1866; and any creditor or contributory of the said Company desirous to oppose the making of an Order for the winding up of the said Company under the above Act, should appear at the time of hearinby himself or his counsel, for that purpose; and a copy of the petition will be furnished to any creditor or contributory of the said Company requiring the same by the undersigned, on payment of the regulated charge for the same. Chester and Urquhart, of Staple-inn Agents forw Lace, Bammer. Littlegill and Bardswell, of Liverpool, Solicitors for the Petitioner

      The London Gazette, December 7th, 1866


      In the Matter of the Padeswood Oil Company Limited, and in the Matter of the COMPANIES ACT, 1862. NOTICE is Hereby given, that all persons having any claims or demands against this Company which is being wound under the said Act, are hereby required to send notice and particulars of such claims or demands to the undersigned William Temple, the Liquidator of the said Company, at the Office of the said Company, situated at Padeswood, the county of Flint, on or before the 25th day of March Instant, after which time he will proceed to distribute the assets of the Company among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims or demands of which then shall have had Notice, and he will not be liable for the assets so distributed or any part thereof to any person of whose claim shall not then have had notice, and all persons omitting to send in notice of their claims or demands by the time and manner aforesaid, will be excluded from the benefit of the distribution of the Company's assets. Dated this 11th day of March, 1867.

      The Chester Chronicle, 16th March 1867


      RESOLUTIONS WIND UP VOLUNTARILY. The Padeswood Oil Company (Limited.) Claims Mar. 25, to —William Semple, Padeswood Gazette—Mar. 19, 1867.  

      Perry's Bankrupt Gazette, Saturday 23 March 1867