Scottish shale Scottish shale

E.G. Buttery & Co.

Pre 1867
Registered office:

Not known

Oil works:

E. G. Buttery & Co.. are included in the 1865 Coal Commission list, and "E. Buttery" in 1868 Slater's trade directory, having works at Hope Station. The company and its partners were declared bankrupt in 1867, however a new partnership appears to have been formed which became bankcrupt in 1869.


  • Elisha George Buttery (of Pontblyddn)
  • William Dyson (of Pontblyddn)
  • Francis Parker (of Hope)
  • James Hellyn (of Tryddyn)

  • References
    • NOTICE is hereby given, that the following is a. copy of an entry made in the book kept by the Chief Registrar of the Court" of Bankruptcy for the Registration of Trust Deeds for'the benefit of Creditors, Composition and Inspectorship Deeds executed by a Debtor, as required by the Bankruptcy Act, 1861, sees. 187, 192, 194, 196, and 198:— Number—26,808. Title of Deed - Assignment Date of Deed—3rd September, 1867. Date of execution by Debtors—3rd September, 1867.

      Names and descriptions of the Debtors, as in the Deed— Elisha George Buttery, William Dyson, both of Pontblyddyn, in the parish of Mold, in the county of Flint, Francis Parker, of Hope, in the parish of Hope, in the same county, and James Hellyn of Tryddyn, in the same county, carrying on business in copartnership together together as Mineral Oil Manufacturers, at Hope Oil Works, in the parish of Hope aforesaid, under the style or firm of E.G. Buttery and Company.

      The Names and descriptions of the Trustees, or the parties to the Deed, _ An assignment to the siad George Haworth and William Beale Marston of all the joint and separate estates and effects of the said Elisha George Buttery, William Dyson, Francis Parker and John Hellyn for the benefit of the joint and separate creditors. When left forRegistration – 10th October 1867, at 12 o'clock, under section 194 and the Order of Mr Commissioner Winslow, dated 3rd September 1867, enlarging the time for registration.

      The London Gazette, 11th October 1867


      In re Buttery, Dyson, and Bain.—These bankrupts carried on business at Hope, in Flintshire, oil manufacturers. Mr. Phipps, Mr. Lockett, and Mr. Dodge, jun., appeared in the case. No accounts having been filed, the court adjourned the last examination at the bankrupts' expense to the 11th of August. The accountant in this case wase the case no accounts being filed, and the learned commissioner, referring to his remarks in the preceding case, said that the system must be stopped.

      The Liverpool Daily Post, 28th July 1869