Scottish shale Scottish shale

Tryddyn Oil & Coke Co. Ltd.

Company number:
wound-up 1866
Registered office:

15 Castle Street, Liverpool

Oil works:

An newspaper account of 1866 states:

"The pioneer of the oil trade in Flintshire was Mr. Hussey Jones, who had the cannel on his property at Tryddyn carefully investigated, and, finding it suitable for oil making, started a company, and made contract with Mr. Fernie, who erected the works now the property of the Flintshire Oil and Cannel Company Limited."

The interests of the company formed by Hussey Jones; The Tryddyn Oil and Coke Co. Ltd. were merged with those of the Mineral Oil Company to form the Flintshire Oil and Cannel Co. Ltd in 1864. The Tryddyn company was wound up in 1866.


  • George Rae, chairman
  • George Haworth, managing director
  • others

  • Newspaper references
    • A Special Resolution of the Tryddyn Oil and Coke Company (Limited), made passed and earned at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the members of the Company, duly convened and holden at the Registered Office of the company; No. 16 Castle-street, Liverpool, in the county of Lancaster, on Monday the 10th day of December 1866, and confirmed at a subsequent Extraordinary General Meeting, also convened at the same place on Thursday 27th day of December 1866 and resolved "That the Tryddyn Oil and Coke Company (Limited) be wound up voluntarily".

      The London Gazette, 4th January 1867