Scottish shale Scottish shale

Leeswood Main Coal, Cannel & Oil Co. Ltd.

Company number:
Share capital:
Wound-up c.1870
Registered office:

Not known

The company is listed in the 1865 coal commission report as having works at Leeswood and Hope, and in the 1868 Slater's trade directory as producing crude oil at Leeswood. The firm was the last of the new joint stock companies to be promoted during the oil mania and was launched at a time when oil prices were falling fast. It could be that the company struggled to meets its inital objectives and instead operated a small scale oil works at Hope Station.

Horner Middleton & Co. of Cambrian Oil Works petitioned for the wind-up of the company in 1867.


THE LEESWOOD MAIN COAL, CANNEL, and OIL COMPANY (Limited) Capital £60,000 in 3000 Shares of £20 each. Half the Shares are already subscribed for, the remainder being now offered to the public. Deposit on Application £1, and £1 on Allotment. Calls (if necessary) not exceeding £2 10s. per Share, at intervals of not less than three months.


  • WILLIAM BUXTON, Esq., Castle-hill, Stafford, Chairman (Ex-Mayor of Stafford, and Director of the Stafford and Uttoxeter Railway).
  • Henry Taylor, Esq , Flookersbrooke House, Chester (Colliery Proprietor).
  • Frederick Septimus Bateson, Esq , Vale Cottage, Mold, Flint-shire (Cotton Spinner).
  • Julius C. J. Bailey, Esq., C.E., Newton-le-Willows. Lancashire (Mining Engineer).
  • William Gregory, Esq., York-buildings, Liverpool.
  • William Wright Craig, Esq., Leeswood. Mold, Flintshire, (Colliery Proprietor).


  • The Union Bank of London, Charing Cross Branch.
  • Messrs. Dixon and Company, Bankers, Chester. Manchester and County Bank, Manchester.


  • Messrs. Finchett-Maddock and Horden, Abbey-square, Chester. Messrs. Roberts, Kelly, and Keene, Mold, Flintshire


  • Henry White, Esq., 7, Tokenhouse-yard, Lothbury, London. John Jones, Esq., Westminster-buildings, Chester. Joseph Davies, Esq., Warrington.

Temporary Office

  • 2, Spring-Gardens, S.W., London ; 4, Abbey-square, Chester.


This Company is formed for the purpose of purchasing and further developing the well-known Leeswood Main Coal Colliery, situate at Leeswood, near Mold, Flintshire, and erecting a refinery for the manufacture of Paraffin and other Oils. The Colliery is at present raising upwards of 1000 tons per week, and these raisings the Directors propose immediately to double. Since the discovery of the Leeswood Coal this district, previously known for the first-rate quality of its Main Coal, has become a rich and rapidly increasing centre of industrial importance, owing to the unequalled quality of its distilled mineral Oils and associated useful products. Retorts for the manufacture of oil from the Coal and Cannel will be immediately erected: and from the fact of the following adjoining companies, vis. : —

  • The Coppa Oil Company,
  • The Flintshire Oil Company,
  • The North Wales Oil Company

(established for objects similar to those of this Company), having declared dividends equal to 10 per cent., in addition to carrying over considerable sums to their next account, the Directors can confidently recommend investments in this Company, inasmuch as by working their own Cannel, and having a large acreage of Main Coal, they expect to be able to pay larger dividends. Forms of Application for Shares and all other information may be obtained from, and Articles of Association Inspected at, the Company's Bankers and Brokers and the Company's offices.

The London Standard, 6th November 1865

  • Newspaper references
    • Leeswood Main


      IN CHANCERY. IN the MATTER of the Companies Act, 1862, and in the matter of the LEESWOOD MAIN COAL CANNEL and OIL COMPANY (Limited).—NOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a PETITION for the WINDING-UP of the above-named Company by the Court of Chancery was on the 16th day of March, 1867 presented to the Lord Chancellor by Sarah Ann Horner, widow, Edwin Middleton, and Benjamin Fawcett Glover, all of 9, Adam-street, Adelphi, in the county of Middlesex, and of the Cambrian Oil Works, Pennyfwrdd, near Mold, in the county of Flint, and there carrying on business oil manufacturers and refiners in co-partnership together, under the style of Horner, Middleton, and Co., creditors of the above-named' Company, and that the same petition is directed to be HEARD before the Vice-Chancellor, Sir John Stuart, on the 16th day of April, 1867, and any creditor or contributory of the paid Company desirous to oppose the making of an order for the winding-up of the said Company, under the above Act, should appear at the time of hearing himself or his counsel for that purpose, and a copy of the petition will be furnished any creditor or contributory of the said Company requiring the same, the undersigned, on payment of the regulated charge for the same. ANTHONY PULBROOK, of 28, Threadneedle-street, in the City of London, 1, Solicitor for the Petitioner

      The Wrexham Advertiser - 23rd March 1867


      PETITIONS TO WIND UP, &c. The Leeswood Main Coal Cannel and Oil Company (Limited.) Hearing 26th April by V.C. Stuart. Pet. Mar. 16, Sarah Ann Homer, (widow,) Edwin Middleton, and Benjamin Fawcett Glover, oil manufacturers and refiners, Adam-st, Adelphi, and Cambrian Oil Works, Pennyfiordd, near Mold. Sol—A. Pulbrook, Threadneedle-st. 

      Perry's Bankrupt Gazette, 23rd March 1867


      A petition for winding up the Leeswood Main Coal, Cannel, and Oil Company is to be heard before the Master of the Rolls on the 21st of May.

      The Morning Post, 25th April 1870