Scottish shale Scottish shale

Joseph Holmes

Pre 1868
Pre 1868
Registered office:

Not known

The firm of Joseph Holmes is not included in the 1865 Coal Commission list, but appears in the 1868 Slater's trade directory as having works at Cefn, Ruabon.

Ure's Dictionery of 1867 states

"The meerschaum (a design of retort) is an American invention, was first tried on Long Island with Boghead imported from Scotland, but shortly afterwards abandoned. Its projectors maintain that the abandonment was purely the result of the competition of petroleum springs, and not due to any defect in the principle of the meerschaum itself. Mr. Holmes is now erecting some of these retorts in the neighbourhood of Ruabon, and is very sanguine of their success. "

Other sources identify Holmes as an American citizen.

  • Newspaper references
    • A letter was read by the Chairman, written by Mr. Joseph E. Holmes, in which the writer desired the sanction of the Board to erect a building in Gas lane, Mold, for the purpose of manufacturing coal oil. The Clerk was ordered to write and inform Mr. Holmes that if he will submit his plans of the intended buildings to the Board, the subject will be entertained.

      The Wrexham Advertiser, 4th March 1865


      RUABON Accident. — On Thursday evening, the 11th inst., Mrs Craddock, of Rhos-y-tnedre, accompanied by Mr Holmes, of the Plaskynaston Oil Works, came to Ruabon intending to attend Mr Bromley's lecture in the National School.

      The Wrexham Advertiser, 20th January 1866