Scottish shale Scottish shale

Barbauchlaw Fireclay and Coal Mine

Bathgate, Linlithgowshire
Local authority:
West Lothian
Current status of site:
Pithead area redeveloped for housing
Regional overview:

Mine sharing the site and supplying Barbauchlaw brick works, which operated from c.1890 to 1971.

  • Listed in the 1924 Colliery Yearbook as employing 40 underground and 10 surface workers, working the Colinburn, Coxrod and Glen seams (10,000 tons annually) and Fireclay (14,000 tons annually). Alex Rutherford, Manager
  • Listed in the 1938 Colliery Yearbook as employing 18 underground and 6 surface workers, working the Colinburn seam (10,000 tons annually), along with Fireclay and Blaes (14,000 tons annually). Daniel P. Watson, Manager.
  • Listed in the 1945 List of Mines, owned by Robert Muir (1930) with manager Jas. Pryde, employing 65 underground and 13 surface workers, working the Colinburn coal and fireclay.D. McGuigan, employing 95 underground and 19 surface workers, working the Colinburn coal and fireclay.

  • Location map, and boundaries of the lands at Barbauchlaw


    Messrs Robert Muir & Co have provided for a supply of clay by sinking a pit and drivings a daylight mine at Barbauchlaw Brick Works that will not only supply them with clay, but also coal for firing purposes and household use.

    Linlithgowshire Gazette, 3rd January 1908