Scottish shale Scottish shale

Barbauchlaw No.2 pit

Bathgate, Linlithgowshire
Local authority:
West Lothian
pre 1855
August 1887, abandonment plan No. 2071
Current status of site:
Pithead area redeveloped for housing - Mount Pleasant

A pit in the lands of Barbauchlaw to the Mill Coal, described as exhausted in 1887, and presumably worked in association with Barbauchlaw No.1 pit. The pit was operated for a period by the Uphall Oil Co. Ltd., and their successors Young's Paraffin Light and Mineral Oil Co. Ltd., supplying coal to fuel their various shale oil works

  • Mineral Statistics for 1883 record Barbauchlaw No.2 pit as owned by Uphall Oil Co. Ltd. manager A. H. Crichton, working the Mill Coal by the stoop and room method, employing 3 on the surface and 33 underground, with downcast shaft measuring 15' x 5' and an upcast measuring 10' x 5' 150 ft deep. It was a non-fiery mine.

  • Location of the pit, and the boundaries of the lands of Barbauchlaw


    Melancholy Death in a Pit near Armadale.— On Saturday afternoon a miner, named Robert Livingston, about years age, was killed while in the cage ascending from his work, in No. 2 Pit, Barbauchlaw. It appears that an empty hutch fell on the top of the cage from the uppermost of three workings, and that Livingston was killed instantaneously. His son, a lad about twelve years of age, who was in the cage with him, escaped almost unhurt.

    Dunfermline Saturday Press, 28th February 1863