Scottish shale Scottish shale

Bathville No.3 pit

Bathgate, Linlithgowshire
Local authority:
West Lothian
pre 1862
pre 1913
Current status of site:
Site redeveloped as housing

Pit in the lands of Bathville, location to be ascertained; workings linked with Bathville No. 1 pit and Bathville No.4 pit

The 1883 List of Mines records Bathville No.3 owned by James Wood, manager Arch. Robertson, working the Mill, Ball and Gas coals by the longwall method, employing 6 on the surface and 57 underground. The downcast shaft was 8.5' x 5.5' and 222 ft deep. The upcast was by Bathville No.1 pit

The 1884 List of Mines records Bathville No.3 owned by James Wood, manager Arch. Robertson, working the Main and Ball coals by the longwall method, employing 6 on the surface and 43 underground. The downcast shaft was 8.5' x 5.5' and 222 ft deep. The upcast was by Bathville No.1 pit

  • Location and boundary of the lands of Bathville


    FATAL PIT ACCIDENT.-On Saturday, an accident occurred in No.3 Pit, Bathville, in the parish of Bathgate, by which a miner, named James Smith, lost his life. It appears that it was Smith's turn to send his hutch up the shaft; and he was placing it upon the cage for that purpose, when another miner, named Notman, came up with a filled hutch from an opposite working, and also placed it on the cage, although it was not his turn. Smith got angry at this, and jumped upon the top of his own hutch, in order to push the other off, when it is thought his foot must have caught the engineman's, signal bell, for the machinery got in motion, and the cage began to ascend the shaft, crushing the unfortunate man's head between it and the sides. When a few yards up, his hutch, which was only partially on the cage, fell, draging him along with it to the bottom of the shaft, and killing him on the spot.

    Caledonian Mercury, 11th February 1862