Scottish shale Scottish shale

Torbanehill No.5 pit

Bathgate, Linlithgowshire
Local authority:
West Lothian
by 1870?
Current status of site:
Mounds of waste survive within woodland, south of the A705 (A8)
Regional overview:
Mines in the Boghead coal

A pit in the lands of Torbanehill to the Boghead Coal, common coal and ironstone, about 11 fathoms (20m.) Worked by a horse gin and linked by tram-road to the Wilsontown, Coltness and Morningside Railway.

According to the OS Name Book OS1/34/9/42 c.1854:

"This pit is only 11 fathoms deep and is situated east of No.4. It produces small balls of ironstone and the seam of parrot and rough coal is about 20 inches. There is no engine, but a horse and gin to work it. It is contracted for from the company by Mr. William McKinlay of Bathgate."

Construction of the A8 during the late 1920's cut across the site of the pit, but part of the waste tip remains in the woodlands to the south of the road.

  • Location of pit and boundary of the lands of Torbanehill estate.