Scottish shale Scottish shale

Stoneheap limestone pit

Whitburn, Linlithgowshire
Local authority:
West Lothian
post 1895
pre 1914
Current status of site:
Remains of a bing, with areas of subsidence marking the location of shafts

A pit in the lands of Stoneheap, identity unconfirmed, "said to be 10 fathoms to the Levenseat Limestone" No indication of the pit is marked on the 1895 OS map, however a bing and linear embankment close to site are shown in the 1914 map. A low grassed bing and areas of subsidence mark the site of the bing, although any features to the south have been obliterated by construction of a poultry farm..

  • Location of pit, and boundary of the lands of Stoneheap